Eliminating the Memo in Favor of Video
One CEO is revolutionizing the way her company communicates internally – and she’s eliminating the memo in favor of video. Julie Sweet, CEO of Accenture’s North American division, banned the use of memos. Instead, employees are encouraged to utilize video – either live-streamed or taped. Consequently, here are some of the ways Sweet is describing her team’s internal communication via video:
“…more authentic and less scripted.”
“…encourages real conversation and problem-solving.”
So, any of this sound familiar from what you hear from the Covideo team?
Surely, you can continue spending hours keying out a perfectly formatted, carefully worded memo. But odds are good it’ll just end up in the trash without a second glance. Otherwise, you can adopt Covideo for your internal communication, conveying and consuming innovative ideas with passion and personality.
Check out the original article from CNBC here.