Communication barriers break down with Covideo!
As an Independent Realtor at Brian Rocca Realty, Brian Rocca has been a Covideo user for more than 2 months now. We sat down with him to bring you the first impression about Covideo from someone who has been in the real estate industry for more than 17 years.
Covideo: Hi Brian! Can you tell me a little bit about yourself and your current position?
Brian: I’m an independent realtor, so I run my own business. So, it is just me, but I actually incorporate Covideo’s technology into everything I do with my business. I have been incorporating Covideo into my text messages and emails, and it has really played a huge role in my growth and progress.
Covideo: We love hearing that! So, how are you utilizing Covideo in your role?
Brian: So, what I do with my emails is that every time I have a current client (seller or buyer) all of my updates are done through Covideos. I have a system where anyone on the client list is going to get a Covideo from me at each point of the process. So if it is a buyer and he has an inspection, I’m going to send him a Covideo about it… once the appraisal comes in, I will send him a video updating him. I like to keep my clients in the loop with a video as opposed to a call because a call may take me 10 – 15 minutes while a video takes me maybe 30 seconds. So, it is very efficient.
“I like to keep my clients in the loop with a video as opposed to a call because a call may take me 10 – 15 minutes while a video takes me maybe 30 seconds. So, it is very efficient.”
As far as texting goes, I have started texting leads. So, I use Covideo to text all of my leads before calling them or meeting with them. The majority of our leads are coming from millennials, and millennials don’t want to answer a phone call. For me, texting is the way to go.
Covideo: What do you like about Covideo? How is it helpful in your position?
Brian: Honestly, I like the fact that I can send somebody a text. The text shows them an actual link, and they can see a picture before they click on the link. So technologically, I think it is really advanced. It allows me to get to the consumer by breaking down the barrier where I have to talk to them right away. If I can send them a video of myself talking to them, they would prefer to analyze me before having to talk to me. It gives them the opportunity to determine if they want to do business with me.
Covideo: Can you tell us about a specific instance when you used Covideo that you felt was particularly successful?
Brian: Yes, I actually sent a lead a video, and this woman watched the video 7 times. She then called me wanting to look at homes. First of all, I loved that I was able to see on my end how many times she viewed the video. Secondly, it basically put me in the position where she was already viewing me as her agent before even talking to me just from the technology that I was using to communicate.
“First of all, I loved that I was able to see on my end how many times she viewed the video. Secondly, it basically put me in the position where she was already viewing me as her agent before even talking to me just from the technology that I was using to communicate.”
Covideo: What plans do you have for using Covideo in the future?
Brian: For me, it has become a part of my processes for my leads and current clients. So, I think that it will stay an integral part of my business as long as it continues to allow me texting and emailing in the way it does. As I start to grow a team and so on, I will begin to use Covideo for all those processes.
Covideo: What would you recommend for other business professionals exploring video as a communication tool?
Brian: The entry barrier is so inexpensive, and there isn’t a contract. You almost have to give it a try just to see where it positively affects your business. I see it as an awesome technology, and it is there for anyone to break that barrier with clients. People want to feel comfortable with who they work with, and being able to analyze you from a video before talking to you helps them feel settled and comfortable when they do finally talk to you. That, to me, is golden, and that’s for anybody in any industry. It is an awesome value-added product that anyone can incorporate into their business.
“People want to feel comfortable with who they work with, and being able to analyze you from a video before talking to you helps them feel settled and comfortable when they do finally talk to you.”
Get started using video today!