These are the reasons why marketers love video
The world of marketing has a new rising star that’s been shining very bright in the last couple of years. Yes, we’re talking about video marketing! Thanks to its rapid rise to fame and the uncanny social integration, along with the incredible results, video has secured its place in the marketing plans of all the companies that hope to stay relevant in the world of business in the years to come. Why? Because video can help you to connect with potential customers, engage them and convert them into paying customers. This is why marketers love video!
Don’t take our word for it, let’s take a look at some statistics by Syndacast – video is going to account for 74 % of all internet traffic in the next year. Open rates and for emails will increase by 19 % if the subject line includes the word video, also, click-through rates increase by 65 percent, and it points to a 26 % decrease of unsubscribers. Now take a quick look at your Twitter feed and you’ll surely notice that most of the retweets are reserved for photo and video posts. But’s that’s just the beginning, here are some factors that contributed to the rising popularity of video.
Video is beneficial for SEO
Videos highly impact search results. It’s no secret that search engine algorithms have a favorite in rich media, and that includes video. The name YouTube has become a synonym for online videos. They are tweaking their algorithms all the time to offer their user an even better searching experience. In order to predict user intent, Google shows a large variety of results and some of them aren’t just plain keyword matches. You’ve probably noticed how the top search results prominently feature videos for some time now. That’s not going to change.
Facebook’s new video strategy
This social media behemoth announced last year that their video views doubled from 4 billion to 8 billion views per day. And that’s just in a period that covers seven months! These figures are almost beyond comprehension, even for professionals, and they show the kind of potential that you can’t ignore. When you’re increasing viewership, and when you’re keeping all those viewers engaged, video will be the asset that brings advertising dollars. Last year Facebook launched picture in picture viewing, a feature that lets users watch a video while they’re skimming through their news feed. Facebook is intent on creating a bigger and better video infrastructure. Currently, they are testing dedicated video feed which will offer users videos that are shared by their network of people and pages.
Video is easier to digest
Our internet is a never-ending stream of information that is oozing out of numerous types and kinds of digital content. We are being overloaded with that information every day and it’s getting really hard to process it. Video is here to save the day yet again. Our brain has less trouble to process visual content than metric tons of text which we encounter on a daily basis.
Video is the best tool for all businesses gunning for maximum outreach. Don’t forget that users are more likely to share video than any other type of content.